Multifunctional Structural Ultra-Battery Composites
A Nano Letters paper in collaboration with Cary Pint.
Here we demonstrate a composite material exhibiting dual multifunctional properties of a structural material and a redox-active battery. This incorporates three-dimensional
aligned carbon nanotube interfaces that weave together a structural frame, redox-active battery materials, and a Kevlar-infiltrated solid electrolyte that facilitates ion transfer. Relative to the total measured composite material mass, we demonstrate energy density up to ∼1.4 Wh/kg, elastic modulus of 7 GPa, and tensile strength exceeding 0.27 GPa. Mechano-electrochemical analysis demonstrates stable battery operation under mechanical loading that validates multifunctional performance. These findings demonstrate how battery materials that are normally packaged under compression can be reorganised as elements in a structurally reinforced composite material.

C. Meng, N. Muralidharan, E. Teblum, K.E. Moyer, G.D. Nessim, C.L. Pint, Multifunctional Structural Ultrabattery Composite, Nano Lett. 18 (2018) 7761–7768. doi:10.1021/acs.nanolett.8b03510
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